A New Challenge Announcement!
(Click HERE, to find the Prompt for the current week)
When I decided to start a blogging event, I was spoilt for choice with many different kinds of challenges available. I wanted to do something different so I asked my fellow bloggers from the Blogging 101 Alumni for some suggestions.
One of the suggestions was Haiku based on a theme/prompt and the other suggestion was Limerick Poetry. I liked both suggestions and did not know which one to choose. So I did what I do every time I find myself unable to choose between 2 options. I flip a coin!
And that is exactly what I did, I flipped the coin. When the coin was on air, I found myself wishing for the Limerick Poetry to win!
Thus it was decided that the weekly challenge from Mind and Life Matters is Limerick Poetry Challenge. Now that we have established that, let’s lay down some rules for the challenge. Every challenge has rules, otherwise what is the fun of having a challenge, don’t you agree?
The rules of this challenge:
- Each week, a prompt (A Word) will be supplied and participants are to use this prompt as a base for their limericks.
- Participants can opt to either use the word (prompt) itself or a synonym of the word to use in their limerick. This is a MUST. Either the word or a synonym of the word must be a part of your limerick!
- This challenge will run from Thursday to Thursday, and you may add your limerick anytime during these specific days.
- Please tag your Limerick with: Limerick Poetry Challenge post so that I get the pingback and check out your limerick (This step is important).
- Add your story’s url to this website’s comments. (In time I will provide an InLinkz link-up). (This step is also important so I will know who has participated).
- If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please follow this blogsite to receive instant email notifications of the post with the Word prompts for each week.
- The main purpose of this challenge is to have fun and learn. Those who are able to mentor and help others grow in their writing; you are encouraged to do so. All constructive feedback should be communicated in a kind and helpful manner AND received in a welcoming manner.
- The first Word Prompt will be provided at the end of this post. All Limericks are due in by Thursday, October 15, 2015.
- The winner for the challenge will be announced in a post on Friday. The winner will receive a complimentary Amazon Gift Certificate from Mind and Life Matters!
The Word Prompt for the very first Limerick Poetry Challenge is ‘FALL’. Here is my take on the prompt:
Fall is finally here
It is the best time of the Year
As Elsa and Iron Man, We go
Trick or treating with my beau
Seizing treats from near and dear!
I hope you spread the word and will take part in the challenge every week!
Dr Meg Sorick
Haha! Awesome I’m in!
Looking forward to reading your limerick
oneta hayes
Sounds fun. Count me in,. I’m not sure of the procedure; So, I plan to post on my own home page, put Limerick Poetry Challenge on tag line and add my URL here. onetahayes.com
Am I in? Hope so, I already have my limerick sizzling to be turned loose. Much success to you, Rashmi.
Thank you Neta! So when you put the URL on the comments, put the URL for the post for example the URL for this post is https://mindandlifematters.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/a-new-challenge-announcement/
Once you post the URL here I will check it out
oneta hayes
All right, Rashmi. Please check me out. I hope I have followed all necessary procedures. I know you are being really busy setting this up but it is going to be so much fun. Thanks for doing it. http://onetahayes.com/2015/10/09/limerick-challenge/
I absolutely loved your limerick, Neta! And even the ones posted in your comments by some of the other bloggers! It’s awesome!
It’s a wonderfully organized challenge. Everything you do is so well organized.
I went to Wikipedia and they did not define Limerick properly, so I don’t know how to manage syllables and all. Moreover, they say you need to be ‘obscene’ for it to be a genuine limerick. Non-obscene ones don’t work at all!
I will observe you guys and then do a poem when I am familiar with the rules.
I have shared it on social media to increase participation.
Love and light <3
Thank you for the kind words Anand!
No you don’t have to follow the exact rules of the limericks in the true sense….that is number and length of the syllables…which is why I didn’t mention that in the rules.
All you need to make sure of in the limerick is that you use the word or the synonym of the word (prompt) in your poem and that somewhere it is rhyming!
I hope you will take part in this one too Anand….would not be fun without you..!
Oh thank you I am touched. So using the word and rhyme and there is no stricture on number of lines?
Anand I can’t see where is says a Limerick is necessarily obscene, although I do know an obscene one that I will not be able to share with you here. (Edward Lear?
They are usually a bit cheeky though lol!!!
I have entered the challenge but have kept it quite innocent.
Here is an example of the way the syllables originally went and as Wikipedia notes, it may have been developed into more nonsense verse without the same meter.
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I’ve seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
True ‘dat!
Oops, I meant we cant imply Edward Lear was obscene even though a lot of what he wrote was nonsense! (I love him of course, my favorite poet…)
Thanks Maddy. Though what I said was based on the Wikipedia references. We can keep them innocent. But usually they are humorous–maybe dark humor–I wouldn’t know as I have not done Limerick and neither read it. Thanks for sharing your views on it. As it is a challenge I will try to learn something by doing it

Have a lovely day ahead.
Love and light <3
I couldn’t agree more Maddy. The reason we don’t want to go obscene is to keep the blog and everything associated with it clean…lol
Nonsense limericks are fun to read….and may or may not make one laugh or at least smirk! Hehe
oneta hayes
Vibrant, typically a limerick is five lines with an aabba rhyming pattern. Lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme with each other; lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other.Simply shown::
There was a little boy named Joe
Who fell and hurt his big toe
He cried to his mother
And then to his brother
“I fell cause I wouldn’t go slow.”
I know that Neta

Rashmi asked me to take liberties with rhyming and keeping the word or synonym.
You can take part in the challenge and do it nicely as you are well-versed with poetry
Love and light <3
I hope you will be taking part since you’ve understood the concept Anand!
Hey you got ping-back, still demanding? Not fair Ms. Menon
Good morning and a nice Friday!
Haha. …just saw the pingback! Thank you Mr. Shukla!
Happy Friday to you too!
No, you are becoming demanding Ms. Menon
How’s Adi doing?
Haha….isn’t it good….I made you write a limerick!

Adi is fine going on with school
No, I was talking about demanding double entries from one simple poor participant like me
Glad to know about Adi! Blessings 
Hahah….double entry….ohhhhh….I will be happy with one entry also!
Hmm…so now you had your coffee and you got your senses back. Good
Hahaha….yea had my coffee and everything is crystal clear
That’s perfect explanation Nets, thank you!
oneta hayes
Sorry, Vibrant. I understood you to say you were not familiar with the style of a limerick. Of course, Rashmi has made everyone welcome to feel free with their style. I’m really not a poet in any way. But I believe I passed on information that was given to writing201 students on the day we were assigned to write a limerick. I believe limericks originated in pubs and on ships, that is probably why the got a reputation as obscene! Now that is stereotyping big time, isn’t it! They generally appear in children’s poetry books about an innocent as I gave as a sample. Children’s poetry – now that’s my style! As always I appreciate our interaction. Thanks.
No constraints on number of lines anything from 3 lines on will be accepted.
Thanks for making it so simple. I feel many people will participate with its being easier!
That’s why I went easy on the rules…so more people are motivated to try!
Yes, that is true, most of us are new to writing, blogging and poetry

Including me!
Here is my clean limerick, thanks for posting a poetry challenge that I can even try!!
I love your clean limerick!
It is brilliant!
Here is my response:

Thanks for inviting and organizing this challenge
LOve and light <3
I really like your limerick, you gave it a story! Well done Anand!
Oh thank you so much Rashmi, for your kind feedback and giving us an opportunity to hone our rhyming skills.
Love and light <3
Congratulations Rashmi for creating your new challenge. I can’t promise I will be ableto join though but I am pretty sure your challenge will be awesome!
Oh I’m sure you will do really good ones if you join and I really hope you do join!
Thank you Rashmi, I hope I can, with the rate I am doing it will take time for me to join. lol
However, I really look forward to their entries and who wins! Yay!
There is one week time so you have time to take it slow!
I am in for this one
Though I don’t know how much will I succeed
but I have question for you …The only constraint is to use the given word or its synonym in poetry ..right ? no constraint on the no of lines and syllables ??
That’s right. I have not kept any constraints on the number of syllables, the word or its synonym should be a part of the poem and of course there should be rhyming!
That’s great
Thanks for answering
I will be soon up with my entry 
Looking forward to reading your post
Here is my entry for the challenge ….
Plesae suggest any changes needed or any advice you want to give . i hope I did it correctly.
So glad you decided to participate NJ….Your limerick is beautiful!
Dr Meg Sorick
Here’s my entry! http://drmegsorick.com/2015/10/09/a-limerick-for-fall/
Love it, Meg! I see you are not a pumpkin fan!
Fun Simplicity
Thank God, I’d just learnt limerick yesterday! Decided to give it a try, though it’s only my 2nd limerick poem. Thanks for hosting this challenge!
Wow, I love the picture and the limerick!
Pancake Bunnykins
Ohhhh. Now, I know what Limerick means.
This is a nice weekly challenge, Rashmi. I will be looking forward for it. 
That’s great! I hope to read your entry too
Nicola Auckland
What a great idea – here’s my entry:
I absolutely love your limerick, you are really good at this!
Nicola Auckland
I love limericks!
Jonathan Caswell
Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:
Looking forward to your participation!
Thanks for coming up with this great idea! Here is my attempt: https://kirstwrites.wordpress.com/2015/10/12/limerick-poetry-challenge-fall/
Yours was brilliant! Love it!
Hi! I love to take challenges but here I’m not sure it is real Limerick or not – https://amaltaas.wordpress.com/2015/10/13/limerick-poetry-challenge-fall
I think you have done a wonderful job!
Thats interesting would love to participate but my hands are full with 8 stories left to be updated and NaNoWriMo as well!

Will try nxt time fo sure!!
All the best
Keep blogging.
Sure! Do participate when you are free from Nano…
Yes! Thank you!! Best regards!
First attempt at a Limerick since I was a school kid, many moons ago. What a great challenge and loads of fun too! Thanks
Thank you so much for participating! I love the limerick…very beautiful!
New to this so I may not have got all the eggs in the basket, so to speak. Here is my effort. Thanks for the challenge.
It was a brilliant limerick Peter! I loved it. Thank you for participating!
Awesome! I have been doing the Writing 101: Poetry challenge for 6 days now, and have managed to do a Limerick everyday! So hopefully one a week shouldn’t be too hard! See my other poems here https://thepeasantblog.wordpress.com/category/writing-101-poems/
I would like to know what you think. Thank you https://thoughtsandadvice.com/dream-of-better/