Limerick Challenge Week 12: Dream
So, how was the first week of limerick challenge with InLinkz? I can say that it was exciting for me! Did it make things easier or harder on you? I would love to get some feedback. I thought it was just awesome to be able to read all the submissions from one place; it really makes things a lot easier for me.
I am also really glad to see that you have all been visiting each other’s limerick posts and commenting on them. That part is half the fun of this challenge. Let’s all give ourselves a round of applause! Yep, go ahead, you deserve it!

Alright, let’s now announce the Top 5 limericks of the Week 11 Challenge: Powerful. It was not an easy one (at least for me) yet there were some really powerful limericks!
And the Week 11 Limerick Superstar is……… The Piscean Me with the amazing limerick below:
As you lay there motionless
It made me feel totally powerless….
Slaying me with your charming ways,
With you life was a stack of lovely colorful days….
But now that you’re gone; my life is in complete darkness!
Congratulations to The Piscean Me – the Limerick Superstar for this week!
The second place is shared by Maria of Doodles and Scribbles and Jake from The Peasant Blog.
The third place is shared by draliman on life and Ladyleemanila.
Now that the Top 5 have been announced, it is time for the Week 12 Challenge.
The prompt word for this week’s challenge is ‘Dream’. You can opt to use the word ‘Dream’ or some of its closer synonyms like trance, reverie, ambition, aspiration etc.…well, you get the idea!
For those who are new to the challenge, here are the rules:
- Each week, a prompt (A Word) will be provided and participants are to use this prompt as a base for their limericks.
- Participants can opt to either use the word (prompt) itself or a synonym of the word to use in their Limerick. This is a MUST. Either the word or a synonym of the word must be a part of your Limerick!
- This challenge will run from Friday to Thursday, and you may link up your Limerick anytime during these specific days.
- All Limericks for Week 12 Challenge are due in latest by 12PM EST on Friday, March 25, 2016. After the deadline, the link-up button will not accept any more submissions.
- Please tag your Limerick with: Limerick Poetry Challengeso that others interested can check out your Limerick.
- Please remember to pingback to this post on your Limerick Post. (This step is important).
- A small donation is made to the local charity in the name of the Winners who receives the ‘Limerick Superstar’ badge.
- Receiving this badge means that not only are you a Limerick Superstar, you helped feed one hungry person with your limerick! The winners can choose to display the badge on their blogs!
- If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please follow this blog site to receive instant email notifications of the post with the Word prompts for each week.
- The main purpose of this challenge is to have fun and learn. Those who are able to mentor and help others grow in their writing; you are encouraged to do so. All constructive feedback should be communicated in a kind and helpful manner AND received in a welcoming manner.
Finally, here is my take on the prompt:
For all those days when she was feeling blue,
When everything was falling through
She needed that beam
To remind her of her dream
Telling her to wait for the day her dreams come true!
Sri Sudha K
congratulations to the winners…
Thank you, Sudha.
Sri Sudha K
Rashmi, I think there is a little correction needed at this week’s prompt…it again says power..please check
Thanks for pointing it out, Sudha. It has been corrected.
Sri Sudha K
Here’s my post
Linking has been done
Ila Varma
Fantastic entries and great winners again. Love the InLinkz, makes it very easy to view and comment on individual entries.
Thank you so much for the feedback, Peter
Thank you very much for joint 2nd place! Although all the limericks were fantastic! The links made it easy to find and read all the entries
Your welcome! And thank you for the feedback
Congratulations to all the winners in limerick challenge week 11. You all are awesome!

Thank you, Ranu!
Let me know if you have any trouble with InLinkz. I shall try to link it up for you.
Loved your limerick.. I could sense that feeling oh hope..!
Here’s my entry.. I’ll try out the InLinkz way too..!
Al The Author
Hi Rashmi, I love the idea of the inlinkz for finding everything in one place, but do you have any control over the layout? I found it a little confusing, and when returning later in the week it wasn’t clear what order things were being shown in. I ended up visiting a few sites again just to make sure!
Hi Al, Thank you for the feedback. Yes, I can change the layout. As of now, it is set to random order, I can change it to display first/last submission on top setting. Unfortunately Inlinkz have made recent changes which means no more thumbnails are visible.
Al The Author
That’s a shame – the thumbnails were handy! Guess they don’t want us to have it too easy! Thanks for looking at it
Yea, they want more and more people to go to the paid membership side.
Lynz Real Cooking
Wonderful love this challenge!
Thank you, Lynn, I am glad you enjoy it!
Lynz Real Cooking
Very nice! I do
Thank you so much Rashmi for the first place
You’re most welcome!
Hi Rashmi, I’m having trouble adding my link to InLinkz – would you mind adding it for me? Here it is: https://detoutetderien2015.wordpress.com/2016/03/22/limerick-challenge-core-connection/
Much appreciated!
Hi Magarisa,
I have added in the link for you.
If it’s not too much trouble, could you let me know what kind of trouble you were facing? Just want to fix it for next time
Thanks Rashmi! When I click on the InLinkz button, I see other people’s links but cannot find the option to add my own. I didn’t have this issue last time.
Yea, Inlinkz has been running some updates that caused this issue. It’s been fixed now. You should be able to see the add link button from now on.
Thanks for taking the time to give me the feedback.
Cool Limerick

Thank you for my joint third place last week! This week I have been a good little boy and just written the one
Here’s mine for this week. Close your eyes, quick!
Shilpa Niraj
Hi Rashmi,
Here’s my entry for week #12 : http://wp.me/p5VOch-ek
Dear Rashmi I cannot find the inlinkz, I’m posting my limerick here. I hope it’s okay.
No worries Ranu, I will link it up for you.
Thank You Rashmi.:)
Al Lane
Hi Rashmi, here’s my contribution for the week, from my new site!
Wow, that’s awesome! Congrats on the new site!
Al Lane
Thank you so much!
Leigh W. Smith
Hi, there, Rashmi. I’m a new follower (thanks to DRailman). I’m not able to post my link through InLinkz either. When I click on the blue froggy, the InLinkz screen comes up, but it’s completely blank. Anyway, I really enjoyed this. Thanks for orchestrating this every week. Now, off to read the limericks! Oh, and here’s my link: https://leighswordsmithery.wordpress.com/2016/03/23/limerick-challenge-week-12-dream/
Hi Leigh, thank you for the follow and thanks to DRaliman too!

Do you have an InLinkz account? If not, the screen that pops up will have a ‘Sign In’ button on the top right corner. When you click on that you will be able to register for an account.
In case you already have an account and a blank screen popped up, then that’s probably some short term technical error.
I have added your link to InLinkz. Thank you for participating
Leigh W. Smith
Hi again, Rashmi! Yeah, I do have an account, but the last 2 times I’ve tried using InLinkz (diff. days), it has not worked. Different error each time. Much thanks for adding my link manually; that was so nice of you!
Nicola Auckland
Here’s mine, also added to Inlinks