Limerick Challenge Week 2: Immortal
We are almost at the end of the 1st week of 2016; I hope everyone had a good break with the holidays and festive celebrations. Did you make a list of resolutions for this year? Have you started the process of change or are you still waiting for ‘tomorrow’ to come before you begin? I know I am still waiting for that ‘tomorrow!’:D
I am glad that the limerick challenge is spreading further in the blogosphere. The week 1 Limerick Challenge saw many new participants enter over and above the regular members. Yayy! So happy! But that meant it became a lot more difficult for me to pick winners. However, we have to have a winner so I will proceed to announce the Winners of the Week 1 Limerick Challenge *drumrolls please*
And the winner is…….. Nicola of Sometimes Stellar Storyteller! The Limerick Queen is back with a bang and her brilliant limerick is better than ever as you can read from below. Check out her full post here!
Happiness crept in around you,
Snuck through your armour, it had to.
In vain you did fight,
To shake off the blight,
That forced your whole outlook to corkscrew.
The second place is shared by Sandra of What Sandra thinks for her coffee loving happy limerick and Shilpa Niraj for her beautifully happy limerick!
The third place goes to Jake @The Peasant Blog for his limerick wishing us a Happy New Year and Ranu of Sabethville for giving us a dose of her humorous limerick.
I would also like to use this opportunity to say a special ‘Thank you’ to Peter who asked me to donate his Prize money for winning the challenge last week to The Salvation Army’s Christmas Assistance Program. Thank you Peter for being so generous!
Now that the Top 5 have been announced, it is time for the Week 2 Challenge.
This morning I was having a really humorous conversation with some of my friends and we were discussing many different words, but when I heard the word Immortal, it stuck with me and this image started brewing in my head. So there, the Prompt for the week 2 Challenge is “Immortal“. You can opt to use the word “Immortal” or some of its closer synonyms like Eternal, Everlasting, Endless etc. in your limerick…you get the idea!
For those who are new to the challenge, here are the rules:
- Each week, a prompt (A Word) will be provided and participants are to use this prompt as a base for their limericks.
- Participants can opt to either use the word (prompt) itself or a synonym of the word to use in their Limerick. This is a MUST. Either the word or a synonym of the word must be a part of your Limerick!
- This challenge will run from Thursday to Thursday, and you may add your Limerick anytime during these specific days.
- Please tag your Limerick with: Limerick Poetry Challengepost so that others interested can check out your Limerick (This step is important).
- Add your story’s URL to this website’s comments. (This step is also important so I will know who has participated).
- If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please follow this blog site to receive instant email notifications of the post with the Word prompts for each week.
- The main purpose of this challenge is to have fun and learn. Those who are able to mentor and help others grow in their writing; you are encouraged to do so. All constructive feedback should be communicated in a kind and helpful manner AND received in a welcoming manner.
- All Limericks for Week 2 Challenge are due in by Thursday, January 14, 2015.
Finally, here is my take on the prompt:
He said it would give one life immortal
But people only sneered with a chortle
Then there was that one
Who thought it’d be fun
And entered the magnificent lure of the portal!
Wow! Thank you… especially since this was my first try at writing a limerick. When do I get my million dollars?? Hahaha
You did awesome for the first try! Your million dollars will be sent to you as soon as I win the Powerball
Awesome! Hahahaha
Thank you Rashmi for selecting my limerick , is it third or fourth place? it’s awesome.
Your welcome Ranu! Third place!
Awesome, thank you so much for selecting my limerick.
I hope this is in the correct place. Please let me know if I need to do something different.
That’s a very good limerick! Thank you for participating.
Yes you have posted it in the correct place
Thank you for third place again!
Also, I like the new theme and use of Fondamento font!
Thank you Jake!
I’m glad you enjoy the challenge and participate regularly.
I love limericks too much to not participate!
Nicola Auckland
Thank you very much for my first place Rashmi! I’d like to thank my friends and family for my insanity, my dog for the bruise on my knee and my avocado for my burst of genius energy. It’s good to be back!
I like the example that Peter has set and since I cannot spend dollars in the UK I wondered if you could do the same with my winnings? Do you have a local food bank or soup kitchen you could donate it too for me please?
Your most welcome! I’m thankful to your family and the avocado too

I sure can do that for you, our local community runs a food pantry for the homeless, I usually buy food and donate there. I could do that with your prize money too! Thank you for being so generous!
oneta hayes
My entry, Rashmi. Thanks for the challenge.
It’s a beautiful limerick!
I love it Oneta….your writing is amazing
This one for “Immortal” is much darker than my happy coffee one.
My entry is here:
I’m blushing from your public “Thank you” Rashmi. Pleased to see that Nicola has carried on the idea. Could this become the “Limerick Charity Challenge”?
Here is mine for this week:
You just spoke my mind, Peter! I was actually thinking of announcing that it in the next week/week after next’s (after I work out the details). I think I have an idea of what it could be!

Thank you so much for inspiring me to do something noble
I liked your version of immortal. Maybe in the next limerick you could tell me how heaven looked
Hi I am posting my limerick challenge,”immortal”
Thank you Rashmi for deciding to follow my blog.
You have a nice blog, it is my pleasure.
My (insensible) take on this challenge is posted in my blog. I am too sorry I can’t comprehend how to add links into comments
I loved your take on the prompt, it was beautiful!
To add the link to the comment, just open the post in a browser, copy the entire URL from the top bar and paste it on my comment box after you type your comment.
Thanks a double tonne

Dear Rashmi ,
It is so kind and thoughtful of you to start this limerick challenge .I’ve always loved poetry, memorizing and reading was my favorite, I never thought of writing it, I didn’t think it was possible for me. After writing a few I feel better, not confident yet, it does give me something to think and do, which is awesome. Thank you.
Thank you Ranu, I’m really glad that you enjoy the challenge and that it has prompted you write better!
Happy writing!
Sri Sudha K
Rashmi, I just learnt what actually a Limerick poem is. So,here is my first limerick,in true sense, for this week’s prompt … http://wp.me/p6NQA3-3w
Awesome, I am so glad you took the time to learn about limericks and post it! This is absolutely awesome entry!
Sri Sudha K
Chris Dequita
My dear Rashmi, here is my share to this week’s challenge;-)
Hi Rashmi! This is my second try with limericks and must say I find them quite tricky. It’s a great challenge though and I’m glad I can join in. Thanks:)
Al The Author
Hi there – have just found out about this weekly challenge, and thought I’d try it too! Hope you enjoy this one: https://altheauthor.wordpress.com/2016/01/12/who-wants-to-live-forever-limerick/
Looking forward to reading everyone else’s limericks
Hi, I really like your limerick! It is brilliant! Welcome to the Limerick Poetry Challenge!
Al The Author
And thank you for hosting! Such a warm welcome <3
Colette B
Enjoyed your limerick Rashmi
I’m glad I remembered to do this in time this week as I missed a good few since my last try. I noticed you bagged the best rhyming word ‘chortle’ though
Now I posted mine I can go read some more and I’ll be back for the next prompt as soon as… Cheers 
I’m happy you like it! I found your limerick about the old couple really good!

Chortle was the first rhyming word that came up in my mind!
Looking forward to your entry for next week too
Colette B
Blimey, you get quite a lot of entries and aren’t they all wonderfully unique and interesting
I just reached the bottom of the page and your comment box again so should say – this is an awesome and fun challenge and you run it so very well
Congrats for the success 
Thank you Colette! I’m very thankful to all the participants who take the time and effort to make this successful
Shilpa Niraj
This week, my Limerick is dedicated to my Dad as his 5th Death Anniversary is just a few days away. The moments when my sister and I stood by, watching him wither away and succumb to Alzheimer’s are reflected in these 5 lines.
I’m so glad you decided to participate. That is a truly heartfelt dedication, Shilpa!
Here’s mine!!!
Jahnavi Chintakunta
Hi Rashmi, Here is the limerick for the prompt ‘Immortal’ :
Thanks for providing such wonderful prompts every week.
So very well said, Jahnavi. The writer remains immortal through his/her work!
Jahnavi Chintakunta
Thanks, Rashmi