Limerick Poetry Challenge

Limerick Challenge Week 45: Photo Prompt

I will start this post by thanking those of you who participated in the Week 44 challenge despite the busy NaNo season and my delayed posting of the challenge 2-3 weeks in a row. I canโ€™t thank you all enough for continuing to stand by me. I promise to get back on track as soon as NaNoWriMo is done.

We had a few submissions for the Horror prompt, and they were all good. If you have not already done so, you can click here to view all the limerick submissions for the last week. I had promised a $10 Amazon Gift Card as a Halloween giveaway for the best horror limerick, so letโ€™s find out who the lucky winner is shall we?

The limerick superstar of this weekโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.*drumrolls please* Innervoice

Hello! Do you recognise me?

I died hanging on the oak tree

Remember the scream?

It was no horrific dream

It is, now, your turn, you see.

Congratulations, Innervoice โ€“ the Limerick Superstar of the week!

(Innervoice โ€“ please email me on to claim your $10 Gift Card)

I found the limericks by Ranu of Sabethville‘s and Diane of Ladies Who Lunch Reviews really spooky!

The limericks by Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking and Prakash of It’s PH absolutely wonderful!

Now that the Top 5 limericks have been announced, let us move on to the Week 45 Challenge.

The prompt for week 45 challenge is the photo below. Interpret it in any way you like!


For those who are new to the challenge, here are the rules:

    1. Each week, a prompt theme will be provided and participants are to use this prompt as a base for their limericks.
    2. This challenge will run fromย Saturday to Friday, and you may link up your Limerick anytime during these specific days.
    3. All Limericks for Week 45 Challenge are due in latest byย 5PM EST on Saturday, November 12, 2016.
    4. After the deadline, the link-up button will not accept any more submissions.
    5. Please tag your Limerick with Limerick Poetry Challenge so that others interested can check out your Limerick.
    6. Please remember to pingback to this post on your Limerick Post and also to link it up using the InLinkz (Blue Froggy) button.
    7. For Photo Prompts, remember to use the photo in your post and to attribute the source.
    8. A small donation is made to the local charity in the name of the Winners who receives the โ€˜Limerick Superstarโ€™ badge.
    9. Receiving this badge means that not only are you a Limerick Superstar, you helped feed one hungry person with your limerick! The winners can choose to display the badge on their blogs!
    10. If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please follow this blog site to receive instant email notifications of the post with the Word prompts for each week.

A Single Mother with an unbreakable passion to Live the Life! I am a Writer/Author by passion and an IT Project Manager by profession. I am also the voice of Artemis at In The Pantheon - a multi-author collaborative writing project. When not hunting as Artemis, I am busy querying agents and working on my multiple writing projects. Women Empowerment and Child Rights Advocate.


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