Limerick Challenge Week 47: Tell Me A Story!
A very big thank you to all of you for your kind words on my long rant last week, thank you all, your kind words makes me feel a lot better. I am also very happy with the wonderful, beautiful limericks that I get to read every week. For this month as I focus on my novel, it’s only the limerick challenge that keeps me coming back to my blog and I have you to thank for that. Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I figured I must say my Thanks to you, my lovely readers and wonderful participants for keeping me going!
Let’s proceed to find out who our Top 5 are for this week. If you have not already done so, click here to read the submissions from Week 46.
The limerick superstar of this week………….*drumrolls please* Frank of Poetry, Short Prose and Walking with the below limerick!
Over the years with the air fresh or stale,
Overland with my feet as a sail
It seems I got where
I was meant to out there
But the best part of all was that trail.
Congratulations, Frank – the Limerick Superstar of the week!
I was blown away by the limericks from Diane of Ladies Who Lunch Reviews and Aimee of The Purple Garden.
I also found the limericks by Lola of Through Lola’s Prism and Prakash of It’s PH to be very interesting.
Now that the Top 5 limericks have been announced, let us move on to the Week 47 Challenge.
The prompt for week 47 – Tell Me A Story! In five lines, tell me a story about anyone, about anything! It must, of course, be in the limerick format. You can retell your favorite book in five lines or you can cook up your own story, whatever you choose, say it in a limerick!
I am excited about this week’s challenge to find out how you tackle this one!
For those who are new to the challenge, here are the rules:
- Each week, a prompt theme will be provided and participants are to use this prompt as a base for their limericks.
- This challenge will run from Saturday to Friday, and you may link up your Limerick anytime during these specific days.
- All Limericks for Week 47 Challenge are due in latest by 5PM EST on Saturday, November 26, 2016.
- After the deadline, the link-up button will not accept any more submissions.
- Please tag your Limerick with Limerick Poetry Challenge so that others interested can check out your Limerick.
- Please remember to pingback to this post on your Limerick Post and to also link it up using the InLinkz (Blue Froggy) button.
- For Photo Prompts, remember to use the photo in your post and to attribute the source.
- A small donation is made to the local charity in the name of the Winners who receives the ‘Limerick Superstar’ badge.
- Receiving this badge means that not only are you a Limerick Superstar, you helped feed one hungry person with your limerick! The winners can choose to display the badge on their blogs!
- If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please follow this blog site to receive instant email notifications of the post with the Word prompts for each week.
Finally, here’s my take on the prompt:
Every night the doors lay open
Lavish parties and lively music poppin’
All he wanted was her attention
One whose name he could not mention
She, the one, whose heart he had broken!
Prakash Hegade
Congratulations to Frank! And happy to be in top 5. Yayy!

This week’s prompt is very interesting. Will try that out soon! Your limerick is too good. I like the love-hate-breakup story!
Thank you, Prakash! My limerick is inspired by one of my favorite books, although I changed the ending bit from him to her whose heart was broken!
Prakash Hegade
Ohh, Can I know the book?
The Great Gatsby!
Prakash Hegade
I have heard the title! Quite famous one. I will put that in to my To-Read list.
It’s a classic, I highly recommend it, I’m sure you will enjoy it.
Prakash Hegade
Done! Will be on it in a month’s time! Thank you..
You’re welcome
Frank’s limerick was wonderful! And I thank you so much for the mention. Happy Thanksgiving to all
Thank you, Diane for the continuous participation.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Mother Willow
Congrats to Frank and all winners of last week’s LImerick…well deserved.
Rashmi your Limerick this week is wonderful.
Thank you Helene
Happy Thanksgiving to you and family
Thank you for selecting my limerick!
Based on your take for the new story prompt, it looks like one can tell a story in five lines.
You’re welcome, Frank!
I look forward to reading your limerick for this prompt
I reckon he’s burnt his bridges with her
Nice one!
He definitely has! Thank you, doc!
Dear Rashmi,
How are you? I hope your writing is going well.
Hi Ranu, I am good, thank you so much for checking on me. I have just finished NaNoWriMo and took a week off from writing after that, hence the break in my blog.
I hope you are well, too?
Wandering Soul
A story in five lines?! You gotta be kidding me! Okay, wait… There’s Lenny who had a toothless Uncle Danny. Will that do?
Congratulations to all the winners!
Lenny and uncle Danny are busy so that won’t do at all!