Limerick Challenge Week 7: Aspire
I have always aspired to help people, but never been able to, at least not in the way I always wanted to. But recently I realized that where there is a will to help, there’s always a way! Never had I thought that I would be able to help people with something as simple as running a challenge on my blog. So I can’t thank Peter enough for helping me come up with the idea of donating the prize money to the local charity organization every week.
A few days back, I received this email from the DFSP – the food pantry supporting people who don’t have enough – and it made me so happy that I can’t find words apt enough to describe it. I have hidden/removed some personal information from the email below for obvious reasons, but I am sharing this here in order to thank each and every one of you who take the time to participate on the Limerick Poetry Challenge so assiduously! So THANK YOU FOLKS! THIS EMAIL IS FOR YOU!
Last week and the week before last, I tried to make the prompt words for the challenge a little more, well, challenging! I, certainly, do not regret that decision since I got to read some brilliant limericks. This week though I thought I will go easy! Anyhow, I know you are as anxious as me to identify the Limerick Superstar for Week 6, so without any further ado, here goes!
The Week 6 Limerick Superstar is ……… Through Lola’s Prism with an amazing limerick. Check out the full post here!
He landed on earth with a ferocious heart
The truth of feral love he wished to impart
He was wildly possessive
and madly obsessive
’til he poured his fierce love into untamed art
Lola’s Limerick Superstar Badge!
The second place is shared by NJ of Ametalk with her Mowgli inspired limerick and Dr. Meg Sorick with a powerful limerick about a feral woman!
The third place is shared by 242 RT with a very intriguing limerick and Kirstwrites with her very powerful limerick!
I am sure you have already read all the limericks, if you haven’t then do check them all out! There are absolutely amazing submissions!
Now that the Top 5 have been announced, it is time for the Week 7 Challenge.
The prompt word for this week’s challenge is ‘Aspire’. You can opt to use the word ‘Aspire’ or some of its closer synonyms like desire, hope, yearn etc.…you get the idea!
For those who are new to the challenge, here are the rules:
- Each week, a prompt (A Word) will be provided and participants are to use this prompt as a base for their limericks.
- Participants can opt to either use the word (prompt) itself or a synonym of the word to use in their Limerick. This is a MUST. Either the word or a synonym of the word must be a part of your Limerick!
- This challenge will run from Friday to Thursday, and you may add your Limerick anytime during these specific days.
- Please tag your Limerick with: Limerick Poetry Challengeso that others interested can check out your Limerick (This step is important).
- Add your story’s URL to this website’s comments. (This step is also important so I will know who has participated).
- If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please follow this blog site to receive instant email notifications of the post with the Word prompts for each week.
- The main purpose of this challenge is to have fun and learn. Those who are able to mentor and help others grow in their writing; you are encouraged to do so. All constructive feedback should be communicated in a kind and helpful manner AND received in a welcoming manner.
- All Limericks for Week 7 Challenge are due in latest by Friday, February 19, 2016.
- Donation to local charity is made in the name of the Winners who will receive the ‘Limerick Superstar’ badge. They can choose to display the badge on their blogs!
Finally, here is my take on the prompt:
In the ocean of my mind, hidden in a big cart
Lies a fear that says “You’re not smart”
To become a Writer
Need’s one brighter
Yet, I aspire to be a writer, with every beat of my heart!
Thank you! Delighted to come joint third in the face of such stiff competition! I’ll get to work on next week’s….
Congratulations! looking forward to your next
There may be a new entrant this week… my 11YO is feeling inspired to give it a go!
That is awesome news! You should submit his limerick as a separate entry. Looking forward to reading it
We did! It’s twinkling star if you hadn’t already guessed!
Saira Tabassum
Thank you! I am literally jumping in joy! This made my day!
I am glad! Looking forward to your next
Wonderful post.
Beautiful Limerick..!
Here’s my entry..!
Your limerick is so beautiful, Rashmi.
Thank you Ranu!
Feeling Inspired by kirstwrites so decided to give this a go!
Hi Rashmi.Very nice. Have no fear, you are going to be a one dear.
Aww thank you so much Maasi! It’s soothing to hear that
Great winning entries again and good to see more joining in.
Saira Tabassum
I hope we can all get what we aspire for. Here’s my take on week 7 prompt:
Thank you once again for this platform
Hi Rashmi, thank you for this challenge. I’m posting my week 7 challenge limerick, “Aspire.”
Thanks Rashmi
And wonderful winner Limerick
Congratulations you made the difference
It is a great feeling 
Thank you NJ! It does feel good and it’s all thanks to the participants of this challenge
Rashmi! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I’m so late to the party … I guess I’m just clueless. Somebody mentioned a congratulations in their comment on my blog, and it just didn’t dawn on me. Anyway, this is a great feeling! I do appreciate the energy you put into making this happen every week. We all benefit from your generosity.
I’m glad you are enjoying the challenge! And your welcome! It was a well deserved win!
Al The Author
Here’s my contribution for the week. Seems to fit perfectly with your introduction too
Sri Sudha K
Hi rashmi, here is my limerick for this week
Here’s mine for the week
Shilpa Niraj
Hello Rashmi,
I loved your Limerick. We share the same aspirations, I believe.
Here’s my limerick for week #7 : http://wp.me/p5VOch-dC
Kat Myrman
Here’s my limerick Rashmi. Hope you are having a good week! – kat
Jahnavi Chintakunta
Rashmi, You are doing a great work by hosting this challenge and donating the money to charity. Hope your other aspirations also come true.
Thank you Jahnavi, hope so too
Here’s mine, better late than never! https://kirstwrites.wordpress.com/2016/02/19/weekly-limerick-challenge-aspire/
Glad you made it in time!
Better late than never..
Always! Glad you made it…I absolutely loved your limerick!
Hello Rashmi! Do consider my entry to..
Thank you! Feedback eagerly awaited!
I loved it, it was beautiful, poetic and so very meaningful!
Thank you so much! This is a wonderful learning experience for me!