Limerick Challenge Week 5: Breeze
As busy as I am with NaNoWrimo, I wouldn’t want to give up doing my favorite weekly feature, the Limerick Poetry Challenge! It is high time that I announce the winner for the Limerick Challenge from Week 4, so without any…
Limerick Challenge Week 4: Spooky
What time is it? That’s right, it is time to announce the winner for the Limerick Poetry Challenge from Week 3! I am loving the response to this challenge and have so much fun reading all the entries, I thank…
Limerick Poetry Challenge Week 3: Believe
It is Friday noon here and that means I am already late to announce the winner for the Limerick Poetry Week 2 Challenge. I am loving the response to this challenge and had so much fun reading all the entries, I…
Open The Door!
Stacy had to think quickly, she knew the boat was going to capsize. There was no way that this boat could wither a storm so strong. What was she thinking coming on this boat ride? And she was foolish enough…
Limerick Poetry Challenge Week 2: Bliss!
It is Thursday evening in the USA and that means that Thursday is over in the rest of the world and it also means that it is time to announce the winner of the First Limerick Poetry Challenge. I am…
That First Meeting!
This is the second part of a continuing tale. Read the first part One Summer Day, if you haven't already!
A New Challenge Announcement!
A New challenge is here! The Limerick Poetry Challenge from Mind and Life Matters! Read to find out more.
Six Word Story Challenge: A Discovery
Six Word Story Challenge: A Discovery
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