Top 10 Indie Books for Indie April!
Of late I have been spending a lot of time on Twitter. No, no, I am not wasting my time reading tweets with infuriating tags like “Women Are Trash” and bashing every single one of them for posting such nonsense…
A Bibliophile's Wonderland!
Wonderland! What is the picture that comes to your mind when I say wonderland? The word wonderland holds a different meaning for each one of us. A bibliophile like me would define wonderland as any place with books, books and…
Book Spine Poetry
Here’s an idea, raid your bookshelves for interesting titles and create poetry using just the book titles. I have opted to use the titles of four books, one of which I am currently reading and the other three are in…
Top 10 Books I am reading!
OK, you already know that I am taking part in a reading challenge this year and you also know that my target is 25 books from 25 different categories. I figured that’s the best I can do given my crazy…
2016 Reading Challenge
I love reading, that’s no secret. But I have never really been part of any serious reading challenges. Thus, I decided that this year I should be part of a proper reading challenge. I signed up to my Goodreads account…
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