Top Ten Tuesdays
Top 10 Fun Facts About My WIP – Buried Deceptions - My debut novel is something that I am really excited about. I started working on it in January 2016, at the time I only had an outline or a basic idea about the story that I wanted to tell. I knew I had to do a lot of research before I picked it up again. Anyway, long story short, I picked up the book again this year and have started writing it to make it worthy of being published. The working title of my debut novel is Buried Deceptions. So, for this week’s Top 10 Tuesdays I wanted to share the Top 10 Fun Facts from my WIP – Buried Deceptions. OK, disclaimer: When I say fun facts, I am… Continue Reading
Top 10 Indie Books for Indie April! - Of late I have been spending a lot of time on Twitter. No, no, I am not wasting my time reading tweets with infuriating tags like “Women Are Trash” and bashing every single one of them for posting such nonsense (although, I wish I could do that!!). Indeed, over the past week, I have gained more than 1000 followers on Twitter and I am happy to say that they are all Writers and Authors. This is the most awesome, amazing, and supportive group of people I have ever seen in any social media. These people, all Writers, are available at your beck and call in the #WritingCommunity whether it is advice you need (writing related or not!), a beta-reader, editor,… Continue Reading
Top 10 Fictional Characters I Love! - Have you ever read a book only to realize that you did not want that book to end because you feel strongly for the character/s in it? This happens to me a lot! Many a times, I fall in love with the characters, empathize with their feelings, pain and their struggles. Most of the time, it is the protagonist that catches my interest, but some times, I feel more strongly for a supporting character. It’s been a while since I have shared a Top 10 Tuesday list, so for this Tuesday, here’s my list of Top 10 Fictional Characters I Love and feel strongly for! 1. Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennett - Pride and Prejudice This may not come… Continue Reading
Top 10 Books I Read This Year - Week 26 of this year just zoomed by, and that means we have all successfully crossed the half year mark for the year 2016. Yay for that! It has been a while since I have done a Top 10 Tuesday list, so I thought it did be nice to do one today. When I thought about what it is that I can write an interesting list about, I figured I could give you a half year update on my reading challenge. I had set myself a goal of 25 books from 25 different categories for this year’s reading challenge. If you remember I had posted a top 10 list with my plan for the first 10 categories. Although I did… Continue Reading
Top 10 Tips To Survive A Relationship With A Writer! - Recently my friend, the very own Wandering Soul, Piyusha shared an article on her Facebook page which gave some advice on how to survive a relationship with a partner who is a writer. That got me thinking and I wondered why not share it here with all you writers across this platform. This post would be a good opportunity for you to subtly let your better half know of all that is required for them to survive a relationship with you writers! We are not asking for much when we say this, are we? Well then without any further ado, here are the Top 10 tips to survive a relationship with a writer partner. Never ever ask when the book will be… Continue Reading
Top 10 Home Remedies to Beat Anxiety - You are trying to sleep, but you find your heart racing, you feel short of breath almost like you are choking, forget sleeping you are unable to even lie down. That constant worry in your mind that is causing all this refuses to go away and you feel helpless, so helpless that you feel taking that drug is the only option to calm your nerves and get a good night’s sleep. I know how it feels, I have been in this exact situation more often than I did like. Anxiety and panic attacks used to be a regular part of my life until I decided to do something about it and try out some of these home remedies to get myself to… Continue Reading
Top 10 Most Awesome Songs from 80's and 90's - I was born in the 80's and grew up in the 90's, so obviously I grew up listening to some awesome music and watching totally brilliant music videos. The last week, while I was visiting my parents, I went through my Dad’s collection of music, and ended up listening to some really great songs again and again and again! The nostalgia of having listened to some of my favorite songs from that era made me want to create this list of Top 10 Songs from the 80's and 90's. These are my personal favorites from the golden era of music. I doubt if such good music even exists now! Not trying to debase the music or the pop stars of… Continue Reading
Top 10 Signs That You Are A Writer! - “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings I am sure at some point in your writing life you have wondered or may have even been asked when it was that you realized you were born to be a writer. Some writers are able to answer this question instantly while others (like me) seem to draw a blank. For the longest time, I failed to see the telltale signs that I had it in me to become a writer. Most of the times, my response was something like this: “A Writer? Me? Really?” until I realized, thanks to some really good blogging buddies who came to… Continue Reading
Top 10 Spring Break Destinations For Families - “With rushing winds and gloomy skies, the dark and stubborn winter dies” – Bayard Taylor This week we officially welcomed Spring, yep, 20th was the first day of Spring. And for many of us that means we are very close to Spring Break. For me it is the time to take a break with my family, a time to unwind and relax. For most people on the eastern side, Spring break is the time to go looking for that blast of sunlight to recharge their souls. With that thought in mind, I decided to put together a list of the Top 10 popular spring break destinations for families. I have not been to some of these places myself, but it… Continue Reading
Top 10 Reasons All Women Are Awesome! - Today happens to be International Women’s Day. I have been receiving many messages from friends and relatives everywhere wishing me for the day. I personally do not feel that Women need a day to be appreciated but then I think that sometimes having a day to celebrate probably helps people remember why what they are celebrating is special! So, in light of that celebration, here are the Top 10 reasons why I think Women are Awesome! Disclaimer: By writing this post, I am in NO WAY implying that Men are not awesome or that Women are better than Men. I am simply writing this to make a whole lot of people who read this and myself feel good! Women Give… Continue Reading
Top 10 Things Every Parent Should Teach Their Boys! - I almost gave up on posting the Top 10 feature this week because I was unable to come up with a Top 10 list that felt worthy of being published. I do not like posting something just for the sake of posting or meeting my weekly goal of posting a Top 10 List. I prefer to post only when I feel something deserves to be written and read. Every time I find myself in distress, my dad and mom always come to my rescue. This time they rescued me when they decided to address me about all the things I should teach my little boy (now that he is starting to grow up!). Although, I felt like they were lecturing… Continue Reading
Top 10 Life Goals for Happiness! - A few days back I shared an image on my Instagram and Facebook page, this image and a few recent incidents from my life got me thinking of my life goals. I wouldn’t be entirely honest if I said that I have set life goals or even if I said that I didn’t have any life goals. I do have goals, but materialistic ones like buying a house, saving up for my son’s college, moving up the career ladder and retiring with a comfortable balance in my bank account. Even though materialistic goals are important for us to live, come to think of it, is that all that matters? What about happiness? What about that inner satisfaction of having done… Continue Reading
Top 10 Movies of 2016 I Can't Wait For! - I love watching movies and like many people I look forward to the big releases for the year. I am a huge fan of sci-fi movies, period dramas, fantasy and animated movies. The year 2016 looks good for movie lovers, especially from the aforementioned genres. So, for this week’s Top 10 feature, I decided to churn out a list of the Top 10 movies that I am anxiously waiting for in 2016. Instead of going on and on about why I am waiting to watch these movies, I will go ahead and post the trailers here so you can watch for yourself and enjoy! Trust me, whenever these movies release, you want to be in a movie theater! P.S: This… Continue Reading
Top 10 Signs That You Are A Perfectionist! - When we think ‘Perfectionist’ the first thing we associate it with is ‘high achievers’. However, the fact is, that is far from the truth. A Perfectionist need not be a high achiever. It is just someone who sincerely holds an underlying belief that perfection can be achieved and that it should be attained for everything! Personally, I’m quite the perfectionist, always setting the highest standards for myself and never expecting anything less. In fact, if you are reading this article, and you’re wondering whether or not you’re a perfectionist, there’s a good chance you are one, at least to a degree, especially if you were drawn to this article because of the word “perfectionist” in the title! If you are… Continue Reading
Top 10 Activities for Snow Days! - According to the weather forecast Mother Nature has decided to shower us with some snow love this weekend! And that means, a snow day off from school on Friday, followed by the weekend and then school is off again on Monday! While my son and I enjoy watching it snow and admire the beauty of our snow laden backyard, snow days also mean staying indoors mainly. It won’t take long for the boredom to kick in leaving my boy with a tremendous amount of pent up energy, which requires an outlet. Resisting the temptation to let him "veg" on the couch in front of movies or video games only, I decided to be prepared this winter with these fun, creative, simple projects that… Continue Reading
Top 10 Books I am reading! - OK, you already know that I am taking part in a reading challenge this year and you also know that my target is 25 books from 25 different categories. I figured that’s the best I can do given my crazy work schedule. 25 books for a year means about 2 books a month and that means a minimum of 6 books for this quarter. I like doing everything in an organized manner, so from the day I decided to do the challenge, I have been itching to figure out which book I would read for each category so that I can have them waiting on my kindle! The last 3 days I have been researching, asking for suggestions and taking recommendations… Continue Reading
Top 10 Tuesdays: A Roundup - It’s Tuesday! What’s special about Tuesdays? The Top 10 Tuesdays feature of course! And what’s super special about this week’s Top 10 Tuesdays? Well, this Tuesday happens to be the last Tuesday of the year 2015! So, I decided that for the Top 10 this week, I shall do a roundup of my blog posts from the year 2015. Not like I had any posts prior to that, I started blogging here only by end of July 2015 and have published 90 posts (including this one) so far. For my list this time, I have split the Top 10 into Top 5 most special posts and Top 5 Most popular posts. Most special as in those posts that are most special… Continue Reading
Top 10 Funniest One Liners - I have always envied people who can do humor well particularly the ones who can write them. Trust me it’s no easy feat. I have tried and failed miserably especially while talking to friends who say something funny and all I want is to retort with a quick comeback. These so-called ‘come-backs’ always elude me when I need them, it comes to me after a whole hour sometimes! The reason I mention this is because of a certain incident with a friend of mine. He said something weird and I took almost 15 minutes before I retorted with a funny one-liner. But he disqualified my retort stating that it was not a quick enough! So, I committed to educating myself… Continue Reading
Top 10 Christmas Movies! - I have always loved watching movies in different genres and different languages. I enjoy watching movies from genres like romantic comedies, classics, action, sci-fi, horror among others. As a child, I used to enjoy watching Christmas themed movies with my family. Nowadays, it has almost become a tradition of sorts when my son and I watch at least a few Christmas movies during the festive season after his school closes for the winter break (which begins, by the way, at the end of this week….Yaaayyy! :D) So for this week, I decided to put together a list of our Top 10 Christmas movies of all times. (Note: this list is not based on statistics or any rating by movie websites, it… Continue Reading
Top 10 Things I am Thankful For! - People mostly remember to be thankful for all the things they have around Thanksgiving time. At all other times, we are almost complaining about everything we want and don’t have! Can’t blame us, can you? After all it’s easier to focus on what we don’t have, rather than what we do have. Whether it’s around Thanksgiving or any other time of the year, it’s important to take time out and remember all of the things to be thankful for that many of us take for granted. So this week, I decided to jot down all those things that I have in my life and I am grateful for! My Little Man Obviously, he tops my list! He is definitely not… Continue Reading
Top 10 Most Awesome Careers! - I recently happened to read an article about the Top 10 of the happiest jobs in America. It was a pretty neat article and had some very interesting career options in the list. That list got me thinking on alternative career options for me in case I decided to take another route. But then, my mind has the habit of taking a slight detour from rational thinking and it went down a whole different path. It started thinking of all those things that I would love to have for a career! Of course, compensation is not taken into consideration in this case! 😀 After a whole lot of thinking, this is what I came up with! If only I could… Continue Reading
Top 10 Things That You Should Say to a Single Mom! - I have heard my fair share of cringe worthy things from people who were actually trying to tell me ‘nice’ things. It is amusing to learn that some people don't really realize what it is they are doing when they say such dialogues! If you look online you will see many lists that tell you what not to tell a single mom, so I thought of putting together my own list of the top 10 things you should say to a single mom! In case you are in doubt what you could say that doesn’t sound like you are ‘trying’ too hard, then it may be a good idea to consider this list. Without any further ado, here is my… Continue Reading
Top 10 Spooky Halloween Short Stories - Halloween is just around the corner and I am sure we are all getting ready for the spooky holiday deciding on costumes, decorations and parties. My little one finally made up his mind to dress up as Iron Man (yea, it’s always one of the avengers for him!). We are having a Halloween bash at work on Friday and we are all expected to dress up. The ones who don’t dress up have to contribute towards the gift for the winners of the best costumes! This means that we are all going to dress up! 😀 While exploring the online shopping world for costumes, I stumbled upon some websites that featured scary, spooky Halloween stories. It was really interesting to… Continue Reading
Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Buying Shoes! - Oh shoes, numerous shoes, how I love thee? Stilettos and pumps, wedges and flats, Peep toes and boots I could stare at you, my lovely shoes, eyes filled with glee Yet, something’s still missing; guess it’s time for some new recruits! Yup, that’s right, you guessed it I have a major shoe fetish! I just love love love shoes, love to buy them and love to talk about them! Well I am truly, madly, deeply in love with shoes! I also have a Pinterest board dedicated to my shoe fetish. And I will not be joking when I say that I own most of the pairs that I have pinned on my board. Come on now what girl doesn’t love shoes! I… Continue Reading
Top 10 Destinations for Female Solo Travel! - I was bitten by the wanderlust ever since I can remember so it is no surprise that I love to travel. I have traveled with my parents as a kid, with my friends and other family members and then with my son too. But something I have always wanted to try is to travel solo. I have heard from friends who have traveled solo about how fascinating the experience can be and how much more you to get to see and understand the cultures of the place when you travel solo. Traveling solo has always been on my mind but I have not yet had the opportunity to execute that plan. Being the planner that I am I have already… Continue Reading