Top 10 Most Hilarious Moments With My Little Boy!
There are many moments in life when I am utterly proud of my son and many moments when I am so much in love with him and his adorable questions. But then there are those moments that are so cringeworthy that my face turns a crimson red, I wince from top to bottom and wish I could hide underground until the moment has passed. One such incident in the past week prompted me to consider that as a topic for my Top 10 feature, given that I can easily fill 10 moments!
As embarrassing as these moments are, they are hilarious too. So this week Top 10 feature is dedicated to my little boy and the hilarious moments that he and I shared!
I hope you enjoy and have a good laugh over this list! I do have to warn you though; there may be a high possibility of spraying if you are planning to drink something while reading this list!
- Fitness Freak!
This incident happened last year when I met my son’s Gymnastics teacher. He had given him a low score and we were discussing on how to improve my son’s physical strength and fitness. Suddenly, my son butt into the conversation and said “It’s not my fault! Look at my mom, she is not fit. I am just like her!” And he continues “Mom, you need to lose weight first!” I turned red, did not know what to say. The look on the teacher’s face made it all the more worse, it was like he agreed with my son! All I could think in my head was “Somebody just kill me NOW!”
- It’s the Diarrhea!
This was the incident that I mentioned in the beginning of the post; it transpired a couple of weeks back. My son had a bad case of constipation and I took him to a pediatric urologist to test the frequent occurrence. Before the Doctor came in to see us, his intern (a really cute young doctor) walked in to take down my son’s medical history. He asked my son to describe his symptoms and the first thing he said was “I don’t have any problems! Its mom, she has diarrhea from last night!” My son had overheard me complain of an upset stomach to my sister. For him upset stomach = diarrhea! The young doctor looked at me and started laughing and gave my son a hi-five while I stood there red-faced burying my head into my hands!
- You Ate Me!?!
One day my son was as usual busy asking me a number of questions, when he suddenly asked me where he was before he was born! I thought of making him feel safe and said he was in my tummy. My son had a horrified look on his face and asked me “Mom, You ate me? How could you eat me?” before he burst into tears! The look on his face at that time was to die for!
- Paycheck please!
When my son was around 4 years old, he had this funny habit of picking up something for himself from every store we went to whether it was something he wanted or not! So I decided to teach him a bit about the value of money and told him that we can spend only after I get my pay check. He literally took that advice to heart! Next time we went to the store, my son yelled out to me from the end of aisle “Mom, did you get your paycheck? I want to buy candy!” The entire store burst out in laughter!
- I will have chicken Drumsticks, please!
Every time we go to the temple, the Priest gives us some sweets after the prayers. The Priest loves children and always gives them extra sweets. This one time, when the Priest gave my son the sweets, he asked him (really loudly of course!) “Can I have chicken wings instead?” (For those of you who do not know, Hindu temples are strictly vegetarian!) Obviously the Priest was looking for me while I was busy hiding behind my neighbor’s back and pretending to not know that kid!
- Punish me all week!
Once I gave my son a timeout in a slightly different manner, I told him that he was not allowed any TV time for all week and weekend. It was a punishment. He was upset about it of course. So much that while we were waiting in line at the pharmacist, he asked me “Mommy, are you going to punish me real bad next week too?” The horrified look on the faces of the people around us said it all!
- That’s too much Wine!
In the same pharmacy, I was picking up some wine and beer for a game night that I had organized for some visiting friends. When we got to the cashier, my son had a horrified look on his face and asked me loudly “Are you going to drink all of that?” I literally grabbed my stuff, my son and ran out of the pharmacy while many judging eyes bore into my back!
- Was that you, Mom?
While walking in the Walmart aisle my son smelled something bad and asked me out loud “That stinks! Was that you, Mom?” It was one of those moments when you want the earth to just open up and swallow you! Why would he think that was me!?!
- I have a young Mom!
My son gets very excited around my birthday time. When he asked me how old I was turning, I said 30. To him that seemed like a big number and he said “That’s old!” Obviously I corrected him (more for my own satisfaction) and told him that it was not old and that in the adult world it is still pretty young! The next day at the playground, we met a couple with 2 small kids who had just moved into the neighborhood. We got talking and the man asked my son how old he was and what grade he went to. After telling him that he was 6 years old and went to 1st grade, my son followed it up with a “You know, my mom is only 30 and it is not old! She is still young!” Needless to say, we never saw that family again!
- Is he Pregnant?
Once while shopping in a mall, my son spotted a man with a huge belly. He had just learned of how babies are in their mommies tummies before they are born. He figured maybe they could be in daddy’s tummy too, so he went straight to that man and asked him “Do you also have a baby in your tummy?” The only thing I remember after that is apologizing to that man while I grabbed my 5 year old and ran out the door!
I hope you enjoyed our hilarious moments and had a good laugh. Do you have any such embarrassing moments? It would definitely help to know that I am not the only one!
(Image Source: Google)
Lmao! Thank you for this! I laughed through the whole thing and am still laughing out loud! Number six about “punishing me real bad” got me the most, I thought I would never stop laughing! And number three! Poor baby, I can just imagine how horrifying that must have been for a little kid to hear and misunderstand! But it’s so cute.

I would have nearly died of embarrassment if I was with a little kid who asked about the pregnant man! I can just imagine how mortified you must have been!
It’s great that you have all these funny memories to always look back on and many more to come and add to the list! Also, those pictures match each one perfectly!
Ohhh yea…and the funny thing is how loud his voice gets when he asks me something like these! The incident with the pregnant man was really embarrassing! I had no clue what I could say that would undo the damage! As embarrassing as these are, they were funny too….good memories! But I hope my son takes it a notch down before someone calls social services on me…you know for punishing him really bad!
Glad you had a good laugh!
ha ha
… OMG .. truly hilarious ones
sometime their innocence is too much to handle 
Absolutely! These were moments when you can’t decide whether you love them or not! Hahaha
I don’t have kids (yet) but I have had the dubious honour of baby sitting nieces and nephews
I used to buy a bottle of wine and baby juice which I would sip (the wine not the baby juice) responsibly (read without spilling) and noone was the wiser and then on movie night with the family a commercial for wine pops up and the sweet baby yells “uncle your drink is on TV.” Did I mention they take their religion seriously and alcohol was brewed by the devil himself and then everyone’s looks at me like I had horns sprouting.
Then a commercial on TV with a pregnant woman eating chocolate and the unborn babies in her tummy singing oh joy! 6yo asks “….so if you eat chocolate babies grow in your tummy…”
I changed the channel ….. To another commercial for, feminine hygiene products (is it something about the time slot Hahaha) and 6yo asks again “hey are those bandages.” I said yep and thought end of discussion until we went shopping (several days later) Passed The Aisle and a lady was piling pads in her trolley 6yo points speaks rather loudly “hey she is buying bandages, is she hurt, you should help her….. but she is not bleeding.” and a jumble of other things
Move along nothing to see here, I made a quick exit without buying anything.
Ohhh lol….that is hilarious! The one with the wine..really got me! And the bandages…haha. …poor baby was probably wondering why his uncle is not helping a hurt person! Lol
Thank you for this….had a good laugh!
Fun Simplicity
This is super duper cute! It made me burst out laughing. So glad there wasn’t anybody around me when I read it. Thank you so much for sharing!
Haha…thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!
Debbie L
I can imagine my grandson embarrassing his mom, my daughter. I’m trying to remember if she ever pulled any of these!
I’m sure most kids did….or at least I hope they did! LOL
Thistles and Whistles
This was sooooo hilarious!!! Your son sounds so innocent and adorable!

One day, when he becomes a teenager and thinks that you’re embarrassing him (I really hope he doesn’t but usually that’s what we all think of our parents in our terrible teens!), you can pull out this list and show him these embarrassing moments!
Hahaha….that’s true! I can use this on him during his teens…! Maybe even threaten him with it….u know to behave and stuff!
Dr Meg Sorick
These are hysterical! Kids are so honest, though!
Yup, sometimes brutally honest!
I really had fun reading this Rashmi…your baby boy is so cute, innocent and I would say very intelligent too! I can’t help but laugh all the way down…oh I can’t imagine being in front of a doctor thinking I have a bad case of diarrhe, I have a blast on that part where he was asking about the chicken wings, and oh that man with the big tummy…too funny. My boy when he sees our wedding pictures always ask why he is not included in the picture…we have a hard time explaining lol
Haha…I can imagine! Sometimes kids ask such questions which really tests our creativity, intelligence and patience all at once! Thank you for the kind words Shine!
Lynz Real Cooking
I love this, so cute!! Kids are adorable!
Thank you Lynz! I am sure you must have also had some experience like this, with 9 kids!
Lynz Real Cooking
tons! that is why I just loved this post!!!
haha…thought as much!
Lynz Real Cooking
of course haha

This is the most hilarious post I have read in many days and certainly most hilarious on your blog.
Kids are so cute and brutally honest. I have also been like Aditya, even when I was an adult, that is why my friends kept me at bay LOL
It’s great that he can’t read your blog LOL
I hope one day he will, at least before his friends and he will pester you to delete this post LOL
Thanks for making us all laugh so much.
Love and light <3
LOL…I can imagine how it is when you are like that as an adult!

I am going to keep this post bookmarked so that I can use it on him if required!
Glad you had a good laugh over this one!
Hehehe LOL yes that is a good idea! lol
I agree!
He is a great little character you will both look back on this and smile.
oh I am sure! Looking back at these memories always makes me smile!
It is the best time when they are small.
oneta hayes
A bright and perceptive boy. Now if he will just learn to talk quietly to mom only when he makes those witty observations.
Absolutely! If only he learned the art of voice modulation!
Hahaha, very clever kid, he knows how to ask you Rashmi and you yourself didn’t know it coming
uh uh…I had no clue it was coming each time!
These were great Rashmi!
My niece (now an adult) has bright red hair. Since there are no redheads in either of her parents’ families, we would jokingly tease my sister (her mom) about whether the mailman had red hair.
Well, as you know all too well, little ones are always listening. When my niece was about 3, someone at the store said “Hello sweetie! Where’d you get that pretty red hair?!” And she said “The mailman.” with a completely straight face. My sister could have died! Haha!
Oh dear! I can imagine what your sister must have felt at that moment. hahahaha thank you for sharing
Ella Mathews (ex-Crazy Stork Lady)
Loved this Rashmi, especially the poor mite’s indignation that you’d eaten him!! Smart kid xx
Hahaa…yea, it took me days to convince him that I did not eat him and that I do not intend to either!
I absolutely enjoyed reading this Rashmi

Kids are cute, and your son is no exception very cute and smart
You can always count on children to tell the truth no matter what
Would it be mean if I said, I wish there was a camera videotaping these moments, I would love to see your facial expressions at those moments
Hahaha…..yea my facial expressions would have tripled your laughter! When I think back, some of them, I have no clue what my expressions would have been like!
Omg, this is completely hilarious!
Glad you enjoyed them!
LOL! This was so adorable and hilarious! Love children’s innocent minds and way of reasoning:p
Thank you Nena….glad you enjoyed this!
Arcane Owl
That’s absolutely hilarious !! My stomach hurts after a good laugh. I loved the paycheck one, actually first 5 was out of the world!
Thanks for the warning, I was having apple juice and decided to put it way after reading the first one 
Happy Friday!
Arcane owl
Haha thank you Owl….I’m glad you had a good laugh!
LOL….that was hilarious!!!
And your son is adorable!!!! :*..Mommy you ate me?! ;;;;ROFL!
Being a single mom is very tough,I have seen a mother go through it before.But having a hUmorous take on the situation.Mother’s do it all!! <3
Happy to have found your blog:)
Thank you Sabah! My son does seem to have a humorous side! LOL
He makes it all worthwhile…being a single mom!
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This was a very beautiful and hilarious post!! A perfect blend of the innocence of your little charmer coupled with his curious, smart and witty questions. Had a nice laugh reading this! Thank you for this post!
Love to your lil one. Have a great day!
Happy to know you had a good laugh
Thank you for your words. You have a great day ahead.