Top 10 Tuesdays

Top 10 Things I do When I am Not Writing!

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I love writing and it is no surprise that I am always spending every extra minute I get writing! But all that writing sometime wears me off and like every normal person, I feel the need to take a break!  So I was more than ecstatic when the Day 11 task for the Writing 101 course asked us to take a break and not really write! Although, I did wonder how it helped when they asked us to write about what we do when we don’t write, I mean isn’t that still writing!?!

Guess that’s why they call the course “Writing 101”. Anyway, a break from writing meant time for some of the other activities that I enjoy, which I so want to share with you! So, here you go, my top 10 list of things I like to do when I am not writing!

  1. Catching up on dear friend…..Sleep!
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Number 1 on the list has to be sleeping! I love to snooze. My best friend and I have this saying, which by the way we totally believe in that “Sleeping is the best thing in the world!” Come on, who wouldn’t agree with that? But ever since I had my son and I started writing, sleep is a luxury that evades me! So whenever I get a little time off from both my son and writing, I am off to catch up on sleep glorious sleep!

  1. Binge Watching Movies and Shows!
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This kind of freedom and free time comes rarely and that means only one thing take as much advantage as you can of that free time! And what could be better than binge watching your favorite movies and shows. I have actually had movie marathons and watched trilogies in one go! And sometimes a couple of seasons of my favorite show of all times Friends! *Eagerly waiting for my next binge watching session!*

  1. Stealing some “Me” Time!
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I love my little man to bits, no doubts there. But then there are times when I crave to be left alone doing nothing but laze around, not being responsible for anything at all! That’s when my dear sister and bro-in law become the angels in my life taking my little boy out on a play date….allowing me to have a date with myself! And what do I do with that time? I draw myself a mean bath all with the essential oils and everything to dip into the bathtub with a glass of wine! Aaaaahhhh….the feeling of relaxing without having to hear the knock on the bathroom door for the hundredth time!!

  1. Binge Reading!
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Is that even a thing? Well, it is for me. I love reading so much that once I start it is difficult to stop. So every time I am not writing, I am reading something. I have the habit of researching the details I read in the book long after I finish it. It’s like I am not ready to let go of the characters! There was a phase when I even used to act/behave like some of the characters in the books I read….yeahh I am weird like that! 😀

  1. The OCD in me Kicks in!
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There are times when this sudden burst of energy kicks in reminding me of the slight OCD I have! You will find me running around cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen on the occasions when that happens. In case you were wondering, my OCD is selective. I opt to either let the OCD part of me win or the procrastinator part of me win. Most of the time, it is the latter that wins!

  1. Choreograph Me Not!
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Remember that sudden burst of energy I mentioned, yeah, it has some other side effects too! It turns me into various characters, and sometimes I am a choreographer. If I hear a great piece of music, then I have to choreograph it and dance away to glory!

  1. Planning my Next Trip!
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I love to make plans and I have a very organized way of going through it! Every time I decide to take a trip, I draw up a plan on everything that needs to be done prior to travel, during the journey and upon reaching the destination. I maintain an excel sheet with all the info including the expenses. I get such a high from this activity that I do it whenever I get some free time, so that I am always prepared for my next trip!

  1. Good old Lazing and Day Dreaming!
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I love to laze around the house doing nothing and just day dreaming! Surprisingly some of the best ideas for my blog posts and short stories hit me when I am day dreaming!

  1. Giggling with my Little Man!
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Giggling with him, playing with him and laughing at all his silly jokes and sometimes even yelling at him is all I do! Ahhh the joys of motherhood! 😀

  1. A Little Bit of Volunteering!
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Last but definitely not the least, I try to do some volunteer work for local organizations. Of course I would love to do more, maybe someday I will be able to!

A Single Mother with an unbreakable passion to Live the Life! I am a Writer/Author by passion and an IT Project Manager by profession. I am also the voice of Artemis at In The Pantheon - a multi-author collaborative writing project. When not hunting as Artemis, I am busy querying agents and working on my multiple writing projects. Women Empowerment and Child Rights Advocate.


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